This document conveys basic concepts of forest health, building upon a knowledge of trees and forests. The document focuses on Florida forest insects and pathogens, Florida forest ecosystems, and Florida forest management strategies. This material can complement the science curriculum for grades 5 and 7.
Forest Health Education
Here we provide resources and information to help Florida educators incorporate forest health into their lessons and activities.
What Is a Healthy Forest? A Supplement to Florida Project Learning Tree

Beyond the Trees: A Systems Approach to Understanding Forest Health in the Southeastern United States
This is a set of six lesson plans for high school educators to convey forest health concepts using a systems thinking framework. The dual goals of this handbook are to convey basic concepts of forest health, while exposing teachers and students to the language and tools of systems thinking. Beyond the Trees is designed for use in 9th through 12th grade classes in agricultural education, forestry, biology, environmental science, and other related classes.

4-H Forest resources in Forest Health
Use this page to learn about insects, diseases and stresses that commonly influence forest health in Florida. Click on the name of the each insect, disease or stress to learn more about it.
Forest Stewardship Polycom Workshop
This workshop provides an update on current forest health issues and priorities across Florida with emphasis on proactive management and available assistance.