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Bark and ambrosia beetle
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Climate change
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Forest management
Forest productivity
Forest structure/composition
Fusiform rust
Invasive pests and diseases
Invasive plants
Laurel wilt
Loblolly pine
Native pests and diseases
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Tree diseases
Tree mortalilty
Tree pest and diseases
Urban forests
Abbasi, M.
Abdullah, Meshal M.
Abegg, Meinrad
Adams, Damian C.
Adams, Sawyer
Ajithkumar, Nivedhitha
Alavalapati, J. R. . R.
Alberti, Giorgio
Allen, D. L.
Almeida, Catherine T.
Almeida, Danilo Roberti Alves de
Almeyda-Zambrano, Angelica Maria Almeyda
Alvarado, Braulio Vilchez
Alvarez-Dávila, Esteban
Alvarez-Loayza, Patricia
Alves, Luciana F.
Amaral, Iêda
Amerson, H. V.
Ammer, Christian
Anderson, C. L.
Anderson, N. A.
Andreu, M.
Andreu, Michael
Antón-Fernández, Clara
Aoki, T.
Arachchige, Pavithra Pitumpe
Aragão, Luiz E. O. C.
Araujo-Murakami, Alejandro
Araújo, João P. M.
Arpaia, M. L.
Arroyo, Luzmila
Arroyo-Mora, J. Pablo
Avitabile, Valerio
Aymard, Gerardo A.
Bajaj, Shaurya
Baker, Shirley M.
Baker, Timothy R.
Balbalian, C.
Banki, Olaf
Barnard, E. L.
Barnes, Irene
Barroso, Jorcely G.
Bastian, Meredith L.
Bastin, Jean-Francois
Bateman, C.
Bateman, Craig
Bates, C. A.
Bałazy, Radomir
Beer, Z. Wilhelm De
Bell, Emily C.
Berkley, E. A.
Bernick, S. C.
Biedermann, Peter H. W.
Biondi, Antonio
Birigazzi, Luca
Birnbaum, Philippe
Bitariho, Robert
Black, A. W.
Black, Adam
Blakeslee, G. M.
Blanchette, B.
Blanchette, R. A.
Blanco, J.
Boeckx, Pascal
Boggess, Sarah L.
Bohlman, Stephanie A.
Bohn, Kimberly K.
Bonello, Pierluigi
Bongers, Frans
Boone, A.
Bourdon, Jacqueline
Bouriaud, Olivier
Brancalion, Pedro H. S.
Branch, C. L.
Brandl, Susanne
Brar, G. S.
Brienen, Roel
Broadbent, Eben North
Bruelheide, Helge
Bruggen, A. H. C.
Bruscolini, Margherita
Burnes, T. A.
Bussotti, Filippo
Bwenge, F.
Cameron, S.
Campbell, Alina S.
Campbell, P. R.
Campbell, R.
Cao, Z. M.
Capinera, J. L.
Cardil, Adrián
Carnevale, Shannon
Carney, Tyler
Carrillo, Daniel
Carter, Douglas R.
Castrillo, Louela A.
Cavender-Bares, Jeannine
Center, Alyson
Cesljar, Goran
Chakravarty, Shourish
Chang, S. J.
Chazdon, Robin L.
Chazdon, Robin L.
Chen, Han Y. H.
Chidister, Ian
Chisholm, Chelsea
Cho, Hyunkook
Cienciala, Emil
Clark, Connie
Clark, David
Clarke, Mysha K.
Cohen, S. D.
Colee, James
Colletta, Gabriel D.
Conway, Tenley M.
Coomes, David A.
Coronado, Eurídice N Honorio
Corral-Rivas, José J.
Corte, Ana Paula Dalla
Couture, John J.
Crandall, Raelene M.
Crane, J. H.
Cregger, Melissa A.
Crim, Philip M.
Crouzeilles, Renato
Crowther, Thomas W.
Croxton, M.
Cruse-Sanders, J.
Cuda, James P.
Cumming, Jonathan R.
Curtis, Philip G.
César, Ricardo G.
Damadi, M.
Dann, E. K.
Dantes, Wanita
David, A. J.
Davis, D. D.
Davis, J. J.
Davis, J. M.
Dayanandan, Selvadurai
De-Miguel, Sergio
DeBruyn, Jennifer M.
DeFries, Ruth S.
DeSutter, Thomas M.
DeVries, Ben
Decuyper, Mathieu
Deel, Lindsay N.
Delavaux, Camille S.
Derroire, Géraldine
Desai, Ankur R.
Determann, R.
Dillon, Whalen
Dixon, W.
Djordjevic, Ilija
Doaemo, Willie
Dolezal, Jiri
Donovan, Victoria
Dourdain, Aurélie
Dreaden, Tyler J.
Dubois, Sean G.
Duncan, R. E.
Duong, Tuan A.
Dwivedi, Puneet
Dzurenko, Marek
Edgar, Christopher B.
Egonyu, James P.
Eickwort, Jeffrey M.
Enloe, Stephen F.
Enquist, Brian J.
Er, H. L.
Ernstsons, A. Simon
Escobedo, F. J.
Eshleman, Keith N.
Eskalen, A.
Ewane, Ewane Basil
Eyre, Teresa J.
Fagan, Matthew E.
Fandohan, Adandé Belarmain
Fayle, Tom M.
Feldpausch, Ted R.
Fenstermacher, K. A.
Ferreira, Leandro V.
Fill, Jennifer
Fischer, Markus
Fletcher, Christine
Flory, Stephen Luke
Focht, E.
Foster, Jane R.
Fox, Tom
Fraedrich, S. W.
Fraver, Shawn
Freeman, S.
Freeman, Stanley
Frizzera, Lorenzo
Fu, Y.
Galgamuwa, GA Pabodha
Galko, Juraj
Gallego, Diego
Gamarra, Javier G. P.
Gao, Lei
Garzia, Giovanna Tropea
Gasper, André L de
Gatti, Roberto Cazzolla
Gazis, Romina
Geering, A. D.
Geiser, D. M.
Gezan, S.
Gianelle, Damiano
Gillman, J. H.
Ginzel, Matthew D.
Glenn, Kaylyn
Glick, Henry B.
Gomez, Demian
Gomez, Demian F.
Gonzalez, Allan
Gonzalez‐Benecke, Carlos A.
Gould, S.
Grammont, Paloma Carton de
Gu, Huan
Gugliuzzo, Antonio
Haddi, Khalid
Hadziabdic, Denita
Hamelin, R. C.
Hamelin, Richard C.
Hanula, J.
Harmon, C. L.
Harris, David J.
Hector, Andrew
Hemp, Andreas
Hengeveld, Geerten
Herbohn, John L.
Herold, Martin
Higgins, L.
Hill, Jeff E.
Hillers, Annika
Hoogen, Johan Van den
Huang, Yin-Tse
Hudak, Andrew T.
Huff, Matthew L.
Hughes, Marc A.
Hui, Cang
Hulcr, Jiri
Hérault, Bruno
Iannone, Basil V., III
Ibanez, Thomas T.
Imai, Nobuo
Inch, S. A.
Ito, Shin-ichiro
Jaafar, Wan Shafrina Wan Mohd
Jablonski, Andrew D.
Jacobs, J. J.
Jactel, Hervé
Jagodziński, Andrzej M.
Jakubowski, Andrew R.
Jaroszewicz, Bogdan
Johannsen, Vivian Kvist
Johnson, Andrew J.
Johnson, Daniel J.
Johnson, Steven A.
Jokela, E.
Joly, Carlos A.
Jucker, Tommaso
Jung, Ilbin
Jusino, Michelle A.
Juzwik, Jennifer
Kaddoura, Youssef
Kajimura, Hisashi
Kamata, Naoto
Kanuch, Peter
Kapellusch, Tenney
Kaproth, Matthew A.
Karminov, Viktor
Kartawinata, Kuswata
Kasson, M. T.
Kasson, Matthew T.
Kearsley, Elizabeth
Kendra, P. E.
Kenfack, David
Kennard, Deborah K.
Kepfer-Rojas, Sebastian
Keppel, Gunnar
Khan, Mohammed Latif
Khodaei, S.
Killeen, Timothy J.
Kim, C. S.
Kim, Hyun Seok
King, J. N.
Kingdon, Clayton C.
Kirst, M.
Kirst, Matias
Kitayama, Kanehiro
Klauberg, Carine
Klingeman, Dawn M.
Klingeman, William E., III
Klockow, Paul A.
Knight, Tiffany M.
Knížek, Miloš
Koch, Frank H.
Kolarik, Miroslav
Kolařík, Miroslav
Kolka, Randy
Konkol, J. L.
Korjus, Henn
Kraxner, Florian
Kreye, M. M.
Kruger, Eric L.
Kubisiak, T. L.
Kucharik, Christopher J.
Kuebbing, Sara
Kuhns, Emily H.
Kyaw, A. T.
Köhl, Michael
Laarmann, Diana
Lamborn, W. A.
Lang, Mait
Larkin, S.
Lauber, Thomas
Layton, B.
Lee, D. J.
Lewis, Simon L.
Li, You
Liang, Jingjing
Lindroth, Richard L.
Liu, J. J.
Lockhart, B. E.
Loehle, Craig
Loheide, Steven P., II
Lu, Huicui
Lu, Min
Luby, J. J.
Lukina, Natalia V.
Lynch, Shannon
Machado, Siddarth
Machado-Caballero, J. E.
Madritch, Michael D.
Mafra-Neto, Agenor
Magee, Lukas
Main, Martin B.
Maitner, Brian S.
Malhi, Yadvinder
Marcon, Eric
Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes
Marimon-Junior, Ben Hur
Marshall, Andrew R.
Martin, Emanuel H.
Martini, Xavier
Martynenko, Olga
Mason, S. L.
Mayers, Chase
Mayfield, A. E., III
McConnell, Julie B.
McLean, S.
McNeil, Brenden E.
Meave, Jorge A.
Meireles, Jose Eduardo
Melo-Cruz, Omar
Mendel, Z.
Mendel, Zvi
Mendoza, Abel Monteagudo
Mendoza, Casimiro
Merow, Cory
Messina, William A.
Meurisse, Nicolas
Miesel, Jessica R.
Minno, M. C.
Mock, Karen E.
Mohan, Midhun
Mohotti, K.
Mollov, D.
Moltzan, Bruce
Moore, Georgianne W.
Moore, M. J.
Moraes, Anibal de
Moreno, Vanessa S.
Mount, L. L.
Mukul, Sharif A.
Mullerin, S.
Mundhenk, Philip
Munro, Holly L.
Musvuugwa, Tendai
Nabuurs, Gert-Jan
Nava-Miranda, María Guadalupe
Neill, David
Neldner, Victor J.
Nelson, C. D.
Nevenic, Radovan V.
Newcombe, G.
Ngugi, Michael R.
Nieves, Joseph
Niklaus, Pascal A.
Nolen, Zachary J.
Nowak, Jarek
Nowicki, Marcin
Obiang, Nestor Laurier Engone
Odoi, M. E.
Oleksyn, Jacek
Oliver, Jason B.
Ontikov, Petr
Onufrak, Aaron J.
Ony, Meher A.
Ortiz-Malavasi, Edgar
Ostry, M. E.
Ottoson, E. D.
Overholt, W.
O’Donnell, K.
Palmateer, A. J.
Pan, Yude
Pandit, Karun
Paquette, Alain
Parada-Gutierrez, Alexander
Parfenova, Elena I.
Park, Ji-Hyun
Park, Minjee
Parra, Pedro Pablo
Parren, Marc
Parthasarathy, Narayanaswamy
Peacock, K.
Pearce, Christopher
Peckham, S. D.
Pei, M. H.
Pena, J. E.
Penca, C.
Perez-Martınez, J. M.
Peña, J. E.
Peña, P. E.
Pham, Thai-Hong
Pietsch, Grace M.
Pilz, George
Ploetz, J. N.
Ploetz, Randy C.
Pokorny, J. L.
Prata, Gabriel A.
Pérez, José
Rabaglia, R.
Ranger, Christopher M.
Rassati, Davide
Rehberg, Nathan J.
Reich, Peter B.
Rex, Franciel Eduardo
Reyes, A. M.
Richardson, Gabriella
Riggins, J. J.
Ritger, Haley M. W.
Rizzo, David
Robmann, Niamh M.
Roets, Francois
Roman, Lara A.
Rooney, A. P.
Rosa, Marcos R.
Rossi, Frederick
Rubert-Nason, Kennedy F.
Sandford, Amanda
Sanquetta, Carlos Roberto
Sanquetta, Mateus N.
Schaffer, Bruce
Schatz, Jason
Schubert, T.
Schwingle, B. W.
Seagle, Steven W.
Seltmann, Katja C.
Serbin, Shawn P.
Sesnie, Steven E.
Shafai, Shahid
Sharma, Ajay
Shin, K.
Short, D. P.
Silva, Carlos Alberto
Singh, Aditya
Sink, S.
Sittichaya, Wisut
Six, Diana
Skelton, James
Smallwood, C. J.
Smith, Jason A.
Smith, Jason A.
Smith, Matthew E.
Smith, Z. C.
Sniezko, R. A.
Soltis, P. S.
Soto, Carlomagno
Soto, José R.
Souza, Deivison Venicio
Spector, T.
Spence, D.
Srinivasan, Shruthi
Staton, Margaret E.
Stefkova, K.
Stein, Taylor
Stelinski, Lukasz L.
Stewart, Jane
Sturtevant, Brian R.
Sun, Jianghua
Sun, Ronghua
Susaeta, Andrés I.
Sutherland, Roanne
Thant, Y. Y.
Torii, Masato
Torre, Carlos de la
Townsend, Philip A.
Trautenmüller, Jonathan William
Trigiano, Robert N.
Trulock, A.
Valverde, Fernando Cornejo
Vanderpool, Dan
Varner, J. Morgan
Villari, Caterina
Vogel, Jason G.
Wang, Bo
Wang, Zhangxun
Watt, Michael S.
White, T.
Wilkinson, Benjamin E.
Williams, D.
Williams, Geoffrey M.
Williams, Rebecca
Wingfield, M. J.
Witthun, B. A.
Wolter, Peter T.
Wonkka, Carissa
Wright, Mark G.
Yao, Yves C Adou
Young, Derek J. N.
Zhang, Zhen
Zhou, Mo
Zhou, X.
Zipper, Samuel C.
Zlesak, D.
Zobel, John M.
Zohner, Constantin M.
Zuniga, Esau
de Beer, Z. Wilhelm
Subject Area(s)
Response of swamp bay, Persea palustris, and redbay, P. borbonia, to Raffaelea spp. isolated from Xyleborus glabratus
Tyler J. Dreaden
Alina S. Campbell
Carlos A. Gonzalez‐Benecke
Randy C. Ploetz
Jason A. Smith
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Invasive pests and diseases, Laurel wilt, Tree diseases
Laurel Wilt, Caused by Raffaelea lauricola, is Detected for the First Time Outside the Southeastern United States
Randy C. Ploetz
Y. Y. Thant
Marc A. Hughes
Tyler J. Dreaden
J. L. Konkol
A. T. Kyaw
Jason A. Smith
C. L. Harmon
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Distribution, Invasive pests and diseases, Laurel wilt, Tree diseases
Responses of swamp bay, Persea palustris, and avocado, Persea americana, to various concentrations of the laurel wilt pathogen, Raffaelea lauricola
Marc A. Hughes
S. A. Inch
Randy C. Ploetz
H. L. Er
A. H. C. Bruggen
Jason A. Smith
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Invasive pests and diseases, Laurel wilt, Tree diseases
Recovery Plan for Laurel Wilt on Redbay and Other Forest Species Caused by Raffaelea lauricola and Disseminated by Xyleborus glabratus
Marc A. Hughes
Jason A. Smith
Randy C. Ploetz
P. E. Kendra
A. E. Mayfield III
J. Hanula
Jiri Hulcr
Lukasz Stelinski
S. Cameron
J. J. Riggins
D. Carrillo
R. Rabaglia
J. M. Eickwort
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Invasive pests and diseases, Laurel wilt, Tree diseases
Development of Multilocus PCR Assays for Raffaelea lauricola, Causal Agent of Laurel Wilt Disease
Tyler J. Dreaden
J. M. Davis
C. L. Harmon
Randy C. Ploetz
A. J. Palmateer
Jason A. Smith
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Invasive pests and diseases, Laurel wilt, Tree diseases
Phylogeny of ambrosia beetle symbionts in the genus Raffaeleai
Tyler J. Dreaden
J. M. Davis
Z. Wilhelm de Beer
Randy C. Ploetz
P. S. Soltis
M. J. Wingfield
Jason A. Smith
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Invasive pests and diseases, Laurel wilt, Phylogeny, Tree diseases
Effect of Chipping on Emergence of the Redbay Ambrosia Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) and Recovery of the Laurel Wilt Pathogen From Infested Wood Chips
D. Spence
Jason A. Smith
Jiri Hulcr
A. E. Mayfield III
Randy C. Ploetz
Lukasz Stelinski
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Invasive pests and diseases, Laurel wilt, Management, Tree diseases
Field and Growth Chamber Inoculations Demonstrate Persea indica as a Newly Recognized Host for the Laurel Wilt Pathogen, Raffaelea laurciola
Marc A. Hughes
G. S. Brar
Randy C. Ploetz
Jason A. Smith
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Invasive pests and diseases, Laurel wilt, Tree diseases
An inordinate fondness for Fusarium: Phylogenetic diversity of fusaria cultivated by ambrosia beetles in the genus Euwallacea on avocado and other plant hosts
M. T. Kasson
K. O’Donnell
A. P. Rooney
S. Sink
Randy C. Ploetz
J. N. Ploetz
J. L. Konkol
D. Carrillo
S. Freeman
Z. Mendel
Jason A. Smith
A. W. Black
Jiri Hulcr
C. Bateman
K. Stefkova
P. R. Campbell
A. D. Geering
E. K. Dann
A. Eskalen
K. Mohotti
D. P. Short
T. Aoki
K. A. Fenstermacher
D. D. Davis
D. M. Geiser
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Fusarium, Invasive pests and diseases, Phylogeny, Tree diseases
Responses of avocado to laurel wilt, caused by Raffaelea lauricola
Randy C. Ploetz
J. M. Perez-Martınez
Jason A. Smith
Marc A. Hughes
Tyler J. Dreaden
S. A. Inch
Y. Fu
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Invasive pests and diseases, Laurel wilt, Susceptibility, Tree diseases
Laurel Wilt, Caused by Raffaelea lauricola, is Confirmed in Miami-Dade County, Center of Florida's Commercial Avocado Production
Randy C. Ploetz
J. E. Peña
Jason A. Smith
Tyler J. Dreaden
J. H. Crane
T. Schubert
W. Dixon
Bark and ambrosia beetle, Distribution, Invasive pests and diseases, Laurel wilt, Tree diseases
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