Dave Coyle
Forest Health and Invasive Species
Clemson University
Dr. Dave Coyle is assistant professor of forest health and invasive species at the Clemson University Forestry and Environmental Conservation Department. He runs the Forest Health and Invasive Species Outreach and Education Program for Southern Regional Extension Forestry. This program serves the entire 13-state southeastern U.S., and provides education and training to state and county level professionals in forestry and the natural resources, as well as private citizens, regarding the biology, identification, and management of various forest health issues.
Advisory Board:
Tyler Carney
Jiri Hulcr
Aditya Singh
Former Director
- Damian Adams
- Michael Andreu
- Leslie Boby
- Eben N. Broadbent
- Mysha Clarke
- Steve Coates
- Dave Coyle
- Raelene Crandall
- John Davis
- Chris Demers
- Jeff Eickwort
- David Godwin
- Denita Hadziabdic-Guerry
- Bill Hammond
- Jess Hartshorn
- Daniel Johnson
- Tim Martin
- Tania Quesada
- Ajay Sharma
- Carlos Alberto Silva
- Andrew Sims
- Katherine Smith
- Ian Stone
- Andrés Susaeta
- Jason Vogel